Exotic Elements
Have you been following Exotic Pole classes for a while, and feel comfortable on 7-inch heels? Do you master the basics of the Exotic style, such as the different kinds of pirouettes, body waves, leg waves, squats, lunges, leg switches, the diamond, etc?
In this Exotic class, you will build on the basics you learnt in your first 6 months of regular practice on heels, and you will learn some intermediate and more advanced exotic tricks and moves, interesting transitions and acrobatic elements.
This class is accessible for people who have at least 6 months of (regular) experience in Exotic style (over 30 classes).
Exotic Elements classes are 75 minutes long. We start with a warm-up, before moving on to exercises, exotic elements and combos. Exotic Elements classes make use of static poles only. At the end of the class, we always stretch for a little while.