Exotic Pole

Exotic Pole classes are dance classes focusing on learning a choreography while wearing high heels. An exotic choreography will be rehearsed for 4 classes, so that it becomes fluid and students can concentrate on finding their sexy style. Every class we will go over the whole choreo, but we will add a new bit at the end. This class focuses less on pole tricks, and more on flow, floorwork, and sassiness.

Please note that appropriate platform shoes are required, such as Pleasers or Hella Heels, as well as knee pads.

There are different height for platform shoes:

  • 6-inch: we recommend this height for your first few classes and if you have no prior exotic pole experience or if you buy sandals

  • 7-inch: very comfortable height once you have a little bit of experience or if you buy boots

  • 8-inch & over: for experienced Exotic Pole students only!

It is highly recommended to start with technical pole classes (Beginners 1) before moving on to Exotic Pole classes, to build strength and get acquainted with the basic moves barefoot first.

Exotic Pole classes are 75 minutes long. We start with a warm-up, before moving on to the choreography. Exotic Pole classes make use of static poles only. At the end of the class, we always stretch for a little while.